I'm a big fan of zoos, for the most part.
Sure, I could live without the permeating smell of poo, the "stroller game" (WHY isn't every door in a public place equipped with automatic doors?!), and the gross bathrooms, but other than that, a zoo is a happy place for mommies.
And it's even better when the mommy's husband takes a day off work to take her and the baby to said zoo! We had an almost-record-high of 86 last Friday (on April 24; what?!), and BOY DOES THAT FEEL HOT when it was 42 the previous day. We did our best to stay cool while visiting our furry, scaly, and feathered friends.
Zoo photos:
Bonus photos!:
Look at the Munchkin sitting like a big boy -- it's been too long since he and Huey have had a play date! And is he pulling himself up on the recliner?!?!?! :)
No, not pulling himself up! That was cleverly staged to LOOK like it, but I was actually supporting him with my other hand.
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