Wednesday, April 22, 2009


First of all, let me open with "we didn't see our regular pediatrician yesterday." I don't want Dr. B to get a bad rap.

So, the Munch has been battling a bad rash for two weeks. It started in the nether-regions, spread up his back, onto his face, and then onto his scalp. After much internet research, I gave in to the mommy panic and took him to the doc.

Actual transcription of yesterday's appointment:
Dr. S: "Well, on his head is definitely Seborrhea."
Me: "Seborrhea? What is that?"
Dr. S: "What do you mean, 'what is it'? It's SEBORRHEA. I'll write it down for you."

Um, okay.

We briefly discussed a course of treatment, but I was left with a bunch of questions (that I probably should have asked, but not with THAT kind of attitude!), not the least of which was, "DOES MY CHILD HAVE SOME HORRIBLE SKIN DISEASE THAT WILL PLAGUE HIM THE REST OF HIS LIFE?!?!"

Naturally, I jumped back online yesterday. "Seborrhea, seborrhea...okay, here we go. 'Seborrhea: commonly known as dandruff.'"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Head & Shoulders works quite nice in the dry seasons.