Monday, April 20, 2009

Tucker, the Dog

(Photo Credit: D. Baiocchi)

The Hope/Hedeen family dog, Tucker, passed away today--very suddenly.

We are all very sad, though my heart aches for my little sis and bro, who were Tucker's biggest fans. Tucker was a kind and gentle dog. He had an abundance of patience for both little children and other dogs (including Oliver) with more energy than he. He squealed and snorted with joy to greet those who crossed his path, and we will miss him dearly.

(Photo Credits: B. Rose)

Rest in peace, little buddy.


Auntie G. said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! My sympathies.

sarah Hedeen said...

that picture of ethan and tucker boy is the sweetest thing I've seen. thanks for the sweet words. we are sad but remembering all the joy. there's a big hole over here.
the fam

naomi. said...

This is a precious memorial to a precious member of our family. Thanks for putting this together. This is how I want to remember him.


ahope said...

Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to stay out late, and a dog who wouldn't let her get away with it.

I miss those days. I miss Tuck.