Thursday, April 30, 2009

Highlights from Music


(Since I don't name my own child here, I guess I shouldn't name anyone else's kid, either. So I'll try to come up with some nicknames that stick.)

Today's highlights:

1. We had two experiences with instruments today. During the first, we were sitting around gathering drums and singing a song. Miss Mary also distributed a few sets of bongos that several kids were toting around, including Aggressive Blond Boy. At one point, ABB set the bongos down in front of Munchkin, who immediately started pounding happily. A few moments later, ABB yanked the bongos away. During the next instrument time (free play), the Munch and I were having a great time with a small hand drum and jingles, when ABB approached the Munch with a babyish-looking instrument. ABB tossed it into his lap. He returned to the pile of instruments to choose another shaker, and deposited it in front of the Munch. This continued until we had a good 15 instruments in front of us! Funny how kids make up for their shortcomings...

2. Girl With Non-Participatory Mother announced to Miss Mary that she had gotten a "harMOMica" over the weekend.

3. We were invited to attend a (free!) class on Monday during a Music Together teacher training session. Yippee!!!

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