Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love is in the Air

It's been raining since Monday.

So before the Munchkin and I start building our ark, we decided to take a trip to the Nature Museum. Let me be the first to admit that this particular museum is laaaaaame, by Chicago standards (it has a lot to compete with), but today was free "suggested donation day," and it's completely indoors. And empty. I think there were eight people there, including us.

The big attraction is the Butterfly Garden, and it is quite impressive, especially to an (almost) eight month old boy. Granted, that boy is having some tactile/sensory issues lately, so he was really not excited about the butterflies grazing his skin. However, as his usual self, he stared and stared and stared and stared. And then we found some birds wandering about the foliage and he stared at them.

It is a mark of spring, though, when the grasshoppers and the butterflies seem to be doing a bit more than simply enjoying each other's company. :o)

1 comment:

ahope said...

I like the Garfield Park Conservatory. The plants are very neat, no animals, but lots of different theme rooms (including a kiddie play area). The drive isn't bad either. The best is the "Fern Room" which looks like a scene out of Jurassic Park, and has 1,000+ year old ferns in it. I bet the Munch would love pretending to be a dinosaur....!

Oh, I forgot to mention....IT'S FREE!

XOXO - Auntie A.