Thursday, April 2, 2009


When your fabulous husband comes home from work early to take care of the baby after you've spent the previous night praying to the porcelain god (thank you for passing along your germs, baby), and you can't sleep because when do you EVER have time to sleep during the day and why would your body want to start now?, then you have a lot of time to dream up blog postings.

So today's post is in honor of those folks whose blogs I troll on a regular basis (these are blogs of those to whom I am NOT related, BTW). If you're getting into this blogging thing, you might find inspiration from these peops. Or if you've run out of paper reading material, this is a great substitute. It's worth noting that, unlike my own blog, I think these blogs appeal to the greater masses.

"Auntie G" bought me the book that these girls wrote before we had our babies and I've since found them online. While I have not ONCE consciously done any of their listed "new mom" activities, it's amusing to read, none the less.

I'm OBSESSESSESSESSED with Seth Rudetsky lately. He is the host of the Broadway channel on Sirius/XM (which I'm lucky enough to have in my car) and knows everything about everything related to that type of show biz. For nerdy types like me, he actually has a music degree, training, etc. and isn't afraid to use actual music terminology when deconstructing Broadway performers. He also has two books in print about the biz, if you're SUPER nerdy--like me.

Can I just say, this chick rocks. I featured her in a previous post. She can do everything in a very it-doesn't-have-to-be-perfect-like-Martha-Stewart sort of a way. The best part? She doesn't leave you guessing. If she flaunts her great idea for a Teacher Appreciation Pill Box (check it out!), she also gives you the template for the cute note to put on top, complete with adorable font.

It's worth a trip through Kristy's archives to read about her "misadventures" in the theatre biz, and with her (charming and talented) girls. Did I mention she's a college buddy of mine? And also the star of the current Visine commercial? :o)

A foodie blog turned adorable baby blog, Erielle's is another one whose archives are worth a peek. Check out her amazing photography and delectable recipes. (E, if you're reading, can you please please please post the butternut squash lasagna recipe? Yum!)

Only added two days ago (thanks, G), I love Swistle's tongue in cheek approach to motherhood. Her "Post-Partum Chocolate Chip Cookies" entry is not to be missed.

Happy Reading!


Kage said...

Thanks for the shout out. I add Seth's to my bloglines...I want to be a nerd too.

HHRose said...

Thanks, Betty! Glad to have readers outside the Garden. ;o)

sjh said...

Calling moms: Here is a neat website with great toy/gift ideas. Stuff from our childhood memories.
Hannah's mum